Sunday I baked Zucchini Bread all afternoon, 8 baby loaves! I wrapped them, tied red ribbon and a green note on them and then John and I bundled up to deliver all the treats to our neighbors! I think it is the highlight of the season for me! It was cold, the house smelled like delicious bread, I had it in a cute basket(I love baskets)...and I absolutely loved watching peoples reactions as we met them and gave them a very unexpected gift! It was so interesting because mostly people were shocked at first , that a neighbor would do this, and then they were very grateful! I loved every minute of it! I am going to make it a Christmas tradition! I'm sure it will be even more fun when we do it with kids! NO..we are not pregnant- I know how all of you are! ;-)
I am headed to Portland today! I will be gone until January 1st and I am so looking forward to hanging out with my in laws..most of you are probably thinking I am joking but I really do love all my inlaws ( parents and siblings) so I am very excited!
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas; I pray that you find time to think about our God and the most amazing gift He has given us, Jesus!
Zucchini Bread Recipe:
Preheat oven to 350
3 eggs 1/4 t baking powder
1 C oil 1 t baking soda
2 C sugar 3 t cinnamon
2 C grated zucchini 1 t salt
3 C flour 1 t vanilla
Beat eggs, add flour & next ingredients and mix.
Pour into 2 greased loaf pans- bake for 1 hour. ( check with toothpick, you want a very thin coating on the toothpick so the bread isn't too dry)
Enjoy- you really can't mess this one up!