So far this has been a very difficult transition for me partially because I tend to like this "just so" and partially because I feel like I've had to say no to a lot of things lately and that I hate!
Amongst all the busyness, I am trying to find the line between not doing things in order to keep my sanity and not doing things because I am selfish. Where is the line!!!???
And to brag on my sweet husband...he has been so patient and such a servant! You see, what happens when I get so overwhelmed is that i basically become paralyzed. I have no idea where to begin. I also don't always respond in the sweetest way, I'm sure none of you can imagine that but well, its true! Today I became paralyzed, there is so much to do around the house ( I still haven't figured out how all our stuff fits/works in this house) and soooo much to do at school that I didn't even know where to begin. All my sweet husband starting doing was working, he just saw things that needed to be done and did them! AMAZING! It kind of helps me get started! Thank you sugar!!!
I'm definitely feeling the Lord stretch me in new ways and I know i need to look for Him through this very stressful time. I feel torn in so many ways and I just pray that the Lord brings clarity to me and who I am supposed to be in HIM!
Sorry about all the rambling, welcome to my world! :)
I will post some pics of my classroom as soon as I can-

Mrs. Warren
It was so good to see you guys and visit a bit! Kevin was sorry to miss you. I hope you had a great trip back and I'll be praying for all of your transitioning! I'm like you, when I get overwhelmed I can completely shut down sometimes...thank the Lord for our patient, loving husbands who seem to know just what to do. :) You are going to be a fabulous teacher!!
Oh Natalee, I totally get the paralyzed syndrome! You are not alone friend. Glad to know I'm not either. :)
Jeff and I miss you guys! It was great to spend some time in the park and then to run into you later at Bridgeport. You two are so awesome!
Good luck with teaching. I know those kiddos are going to love you! Keep us posted even though your life is crazy hectic. :)
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