Christmas 2009
John and I, sitting down to a delicious dinner. John and my mom were super helpful in getting dinner on the table. I had some contractions that afternoon, which when were over, made me need a little nap.
Mom and Jerry- they also brought my neice, Asheley (below)- it was fun being the one who got to entertain and host people this year. We loved having them!
We loved getting to have Beau and Kimbo & Haddon over for Christmas! It was so special having the people we do everyday life with join us in celebrating our Savior's birth! We also began telling Haddon about the little one inside my belly that he will soon be best friends with. ;-) They are getting more comforatble with each other everyday. ha!
Hopefully this isn't what Haddon thought about his soon to come playmate!
And lastly: a terrible picture of me, but I thought you all deserved a picture of this huge belly of mine...also needed to make sure we got one in case this baby came.
Hi Natalee!! Can't wait to hear the baby is here! I voted for a girl. Because you are so little (don't be mad, I know you feel big, but you're not puffy at all). :) There's no science behind it really, I was just really puffy and had two boys...anyway, I bet you can't wait to find out! :) Also, wanted you to know we are expecting a baby too! I'm due July 14th, so I'm about 12 weeks. Lots of love to you both and Happy New Year!
Boy! I think it's a baby boy!
Natalee, you look SO CUTE!! Just had to tell you how adorable you are with that baby belly. :) Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas. I can't wait to see photo of your little one!!
Lots of love from the Fegles!
:) Bethany
p.s. I voted boy. :) I really have no idea. I just picture a little guy.
Chris and I think you will have a boy!!!!
PS That last comment was from Heather Chavez...I am using Chris' google account!!
I vote girl,but i think its a boy.You guys just look like boy parents...
It seems like everyone is having a boy, so you guys must be too. :)
Either way, I'm excited to know soon! Those first moments with your little one will blow your mind - may you vividly remember each moment for a lifetime! Love, Adrienne
Hello! I can't wait to meet Baby Warren. I am thinking it is a boy. It's right out in the front. =) We will see soon enough!
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