Here is some of what we have been up to:
John went to his first Village Staff retreat! Josh and Anne Lincoln were two of his flag football teamates!
John's grass...he planted grass in the dog run because we were getting tired of washing the dogs paws everytime they went outside! We already have some baby grass!
The Yard work begins...we have lots of trees so that means lots of leaves and lots of branches that need pruning! I did the raking while John worked on the big branches! Stewart stands by making sure everything is ok.
John and I also went to Olivia's funeral last weekend. I can't beleive it was just last weekend. The service was beautiful, John ended up doing more than just leading the worship, he also read some scripture, talked about Olivia and read a couple journal entries from her. It was a very hard time,lots of tears, and good hugs but good in that we know she is worshipping and I can't help but think that she was so happy that the Lord used her life to touch so many of us. And it won't stop. The Lord's impact through her will continue to touch people as we strive to let the Lord live through us in similar ways! That is our prayer! Thanks so much to those of you who have been praying for us and Liv's family, the Lord has been faithful and we appreciate your support!
Look at your puppyy!!!!
I'm going to invite myself over sometime. I hope you don't mind. :)
Man, I was wondering when the funeral would be like. I tell ya, if anyone asked me to lead worship/sing at a funeral, I might now make it. No matter who it was!
I always cry at weddings much less funerals...
With all those leaves ya'll should start a compost pile! If you need any help let us know, we loev building composts! We are big fans! Reduce, Reuse, Recyle!
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