Only 5 more days until we leave for a 10 day vacation!! To Oahu! The paper chain links above are our reminder of how many days left! Our neices and nephews made a link for themselves and also mailed one to us! They live in Portland ( you've seen me write about them!) and they are coming to Hawaii also! We have been so blessed to have John's parents give us each a week in their timeshare. We are staying in separate rooms but we will spend lots of time with them! We can't wait! I'll post some pics when we get back or maybe even through the trip!
P.S. I passed my teacher certification test! YAY!!! I have had one interview for a teaching job and it went great ( think I have the job)! I am hoping to talk to a Denton school soon!
Yay for trips! I saw an article in my Food and Wine mag listing top restaurants in Honolulu... I'll have Michael send that to John. Have a great time!
Lots of great news in this post...Congrats on passing the test, and a great interview!! And hope y'all have a wonderful time on vacation!
Have a great time!!!
Congrats on passing your certification!! You are going to be the best/cutest teacher ever!! I hope your trip to Hawaii is perfect!! You guys will have so much fun.
Love you and miss you tons!
ok i'm just catching up on your blog! have so much fun in hawaii and please post pics asap when you return! and i love your white little planter. congrats on passing your teaching cert. exam... you will be an awesome teacher natalee!
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