Friday, April 18, 2008


As you can see, we went to the Dole Pineapple Plantation.  I was feeling kind of sick, mostly just a sore throat, so I was a bit of a "grumpy tuna" but we did have fun.  There was a cool lady there selling local, fresh produce and I threw down half a papaya, it was amazing.
so they have pineapple ice cream...who knew...

here are a couple "nature" shots...from Natalee and I

And now, let the awesome begin....


Katie Gober said...

LOVE the pics of the human pinapple...

Marcy said...

Your pictures are GREAT! The Human Pineapple pics totally made me laugh!

Comet Aamodt said...

Okay, that is way too funny. Jason and I took the same "human pineapple" pictures on our honeymooon at Dole in Oahu! ;o)