So I wanted to do a survey instead of this post...couldn't figure out how though! go figure! ;-)
John and I are starting to think about our 5 year anniversary, it is August 1,2009- I can't believe it will be 5 years, crazy how time flies!
We were thinking an all- inclusive, adults only, beach ( similar to the typical honeymoon experience) BUT as I was sitting here tonight I remembered New England. I have never been to that area and I REALLY want to visit there! I have never been to the east coast but I just love it, so I think!
So here is the big question... First, would you choose the beach or New England? Second, tell me where, more specifically. We need some ideas! Think romantic, no kids, beautiful...you get it!
I expect some good responses! ;-)
I love travel so I just have to comment on this...I love the beach but I also like the idea of something different like the New England area. I'm thinking Cape Cod...my fav travel website is travelzoo and I happen to find an amazing little place there.
Also, I've always wanted to go to St. John-Virgin Islands. I've heard the Westin there is amazing! Just my 2 cents. And I'll help you plan if you need it.
Last summer we went to Vermont in July for my brother's wedding, and we both LOVED it. That was our first real experience with the NE, and I have to say that it is beautiful. I think that if you want an experience that's off the beaten path, go for it. An all-inclusive on a tropical beach sounds nice too, though...tough choice!
I told you Friday night we went to Maine for our honeymoon! Go check out Cape Elizabeth, Maine. We stayed at Inn by the Sea! www.innbythesea.com
We felt like we were the only ones there but we went the first week in september which was beautiful. The weather was 78 during the day and very cool at night. You can take ferries to islands across the way and eat and shop for the day or take lighthouse boat rides! Check it out...
Also I found this place in Maya Tulum just south of Cancun in Mexico....this place is amazing! But definitly more of a health spa vacation! http://www.mayatulum.com/mayatulum/index.aspx
There's really no need for me to comment since Faith already has...she is a closet travel agent :)
However, I did want to point out that the day before you and John celebrate your 5-year, Matt and I will be celebrating our 10-year...how cool is that? August 1, 2004 and July 31, 1999 totally rock.
Natalee!! I have no idea how I found this, but I'm so glad I did!! We so enjoyed getting to spend some time with you guys last week. I have to comment on your post though. We honeymooned in New England (Maine to be exact) and LOOOOOOVVVVVEEEEDDDD it. We actually looked into buying property up there...until we saw price tags, that is. Anyway, Maine is fantastic. We stayed in Bar Harbor which is a little town on a small island just off of the Maine coastline. The population is around 1500 people (very small) and its just amazingly beautiful and quaint. We went whale-watching, kayaking, to musuems, ate homemade blueberry ice cream, and enjoyed the cliffs and white sand beach. We rented an apartment but there are tons of b&b's and other great hotels to stay in. I'd also look into Prince Edward Island. It's a small Canadian island that is just breathtaking. I've never been, but have heard wonderful, wonderful things about it. (Anne of Green Gables was written and filmed there.) Anyway, I can't say enough about our trip! We were married in June and (obviously) summer is the best time to go. Hope that helps some!
ohhhh i would pick new england over the beach ANY DAY! I have never actually been to new england but its on our list of places to go! We leaev for The Redwoods Tues so I can now mark camping out in the redwoods off my list! The beach just gets boring to me, sun sun adn more sun, i would pick new england.Jen rants and raves about the place they went, check it out!
You guys are getting close to making the list...don't worry ;) We have to go to Buck N Loons!
Wow, 5 years! That is so awesome. I would definitely say Maine is beautiful (kind of liek Oregon), has cheap delicious lobster and is worth seeing. The coastthere is rocky and gorgeous. Portland, ME is also a nice small city that is fun to visit. Cape Porpoise, Maine has a lobster place called Noonans that is amazing. About $10 for teh biggest, tastiest lobster ever! New Hampshire is gorgeous also. Boston is big and crazy and fun also.
And ya know there is only one problem. I love New England (I went to school in Connecticut), but have to be honest--August anywhere in New Englad will be hot, humid and likely full of mosquitos. And you would be there just before the fall color, which is truly the most beautiful time. If you waited a month or two and went in mid-late Sept, the weather would be wonderful and it would be so beautiful. I always go to NYC in November because it's just nicer on th east coast in the fall.
Happy early anniversary!
I say NEW ENGLAND hands down! You must be crazy girl?! I love the beach, but no way does it trump New England. ;o)
Take lots of pics when you go... I wanna see 'em!
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